Content whisperer and creative copywriting for socially conscious organisations

Thoughtful communication is the key to any successful relationship. 


So, first of all, let's talk about you.

You do great things.

You and your organisation care about society and the environment, locally and globally, and you’re aware of the impact your actions can have, both good and bad. This is one of the things your most cherished customers, supporters and partners love about you.

But how do you get this across to the rest of the world? Do we really get a sense of what you do and how valuable your work is? Could you be making more effective use of the outlets available, while making sure they bolster the organisation’s overarching business goals in a meaningful way?

Every conversation you and your organisation has - be it face-to-face, in print, via email, blogging, social media or your website - gives you an opportunity to build a picture of what you do, what you stand for, and why it’s important. Your communications are the windows and doors that let the world in on all your great work.

What does Pigeon Loft have to do with this?

I’m here to help you make sure those windows and doors are kept sparkling clean and easy to see through, and ideally left wide open to let the dialogue between you and the outside world flow freely. I’ll help you rethink your content – why and how you create it, for whom, and its desired impact – to get your message out there, in a professional and engaging way.

I strive to make the world a better place everyday (if only in the smallest of ways), and favour working with organisations who are purpose-driven.

I carefully craft user-focused content strategies, write creative copy, and deliver mentoring and training sessions to encourage action through digital communications. This could be fostering widespread behavioural change, generating new audiences for inspiring business, cultural or community events, or simply selling your excellent product or service.


The human behind (but not inside) Pigeon Loft…

I’m Sarah Oxley, an online communications and content strategy specialist with over twelve years' experience of injecting creativity and digital best practice into organisations' communications.

I love getting my teeth into a new project and will work to make your job as easy and enjoyable as possible by sharing information, ideas and best practice.

When I'm not beavering away on an online project, I can be found drinking a good cup of coffee while planning my next sewing project, running around after a toddler, or cooking up something vegetable-based in the kitchen.

If you'd like to discuss how we can collaborate to improve your online communications, get in touch… Or read what other people have to say about working with me.

And if you’re wondering about the name…

The name ‘Pigeon Loft’ comes from a tradition that evolved during regular childhood visits to my dad’s hometown of Sheffield, UK. As we drove by a steep bank in the middle of the city Dad enjoyed telling us about the pigeon lofts that were nestled among the trees up there, each time as though it were the first.

Over the years ‘pigeon loft’ has become synonymous with ‘story-heard-many-times-before’. My dad can be heard saying, ‘Oh, is that a pigeon loft? Sorry.’ when a story meets a knowing silence.

In the case of sharing my communications expertise with you, however, this Pigeon Loft is about telling your story through user-focused content in a fresh, engaging way.